The most effective golf training club you will ever use!


Read what our Customers are saying

I was hitting balls at ParMasters (a local indoor simulator range) yesterday at lunch and was working on my tempo with my old-school tiny-headed Whippy Driver. A few of the guys who are always hanging around saw me and came over to check it out. I was probably there another hour while they were hitting the whippy driver. It was easy to know which people would hit it fine and which people would struggle based on how "handsy" their normal swing was. I hadn't swung my Whippy since last fall and I am always amazed at how quickly it can help me find a "happy place" with my swing. Several people greatly improved their swings in a few minutes. I forget how much attention you can garner by swinging the Whippy in public. There had to be about 10 people standing around taking turns. I guarantee that at least 2 Whippys were sold to people in the Memphis area yesterday evening.


Dear Tom:

First of all thank you for re-shafting our club at no charge. 

It has been my pleasure to utilize "the whippy" with our players on the Texas Aggie Golf Team and the students at the Texas A&M John Jacobs Jr. Golf Schools. The fact that we use it in these two areas illustrates the effectiveness of the club in teaching tempo to both very solid players and to the young and beginning players. One cannot hit a shot at all if the swing does not have the proper tempo. However, one can hit a very fine shot if the swing does have the proper tempo.

I would highly recommend this club for all golfers to develop a better timed and smooth swing.


Bob Ellis
Head Men's Golf Coach Texas A&M
Member of Golf Coaches Hall of Fame
Class A PGA Member

 Dear Sirs,
I want to say how much I like my TempoMaster Whippy clubs. I have a 7-Iron, 5-Iron, and a 3-wood. I use The Whippy's every day to practice with. I have even used The Whippy Putter which was wild. Using The Whippy has really helped my golf swing and I need to continue using it. It is almost like an addiction if I do not swing the 5-iron at least once a day. My golf coach, Gary Battersby, turned me on to your clubs. It has pointed out my glaring deficiencies but I will not give up, I will have a fundamental swing.

Thank you,
Kevin McGarahan
Margate, FL

I went to the range this week.   After thinking my tempo sucked at the weekend decided to take my whippy 7i and driver. I did it properly - ran through the drills then started hitting shots and then blending in shots with regular 7i and driver until I got the same feel. The results were incredible. With better tempo it is so much easier to hit the ball well. Long term the whippy really is the best training aid, ever.

Nick Clarke, 13 handicap, Surrey, England.

Dear John,
I have been working out with your Whippy Tempomaster. I have noticed a remarkable improvement in my timing and tempo. The immediate feedback will provide me with a greater awareness of my swing fault.

I have nothing but praise for your Whippy Tempomaster. In only 3 weeks time, I am beginning to feel the different position in my swing. It certainly lets me know when I am swinging badly. Please ship me the Tips and Drills.

Thanking you in advance.
Julius L. Richardson

Dear Dr. Melvin
I am a PGA Professional in the Northern Ohio Section. Your Whippy TempoMaster driver is an outstanding practice club. I give over 400 lessons in a 5 month period, and your club simply gets the job done. The student receives instant feedback when swinging too hard or not using the big muscles of the body. Could you please send me your booklet of Tips and Drills for using The Whippy TempoMaster driver? Great Job!!

Thank you,
Terry Clark

Dear Tom:
I think the new video is beautifully done, and I can't thank you enough for sending it along. "Doc" did a great job -- no bullshit, no hype, just a very down-to-earth, laidback style that wins a lot of points in my book. So many videos have an artificial phony style, not yours it is direct and to the point. Great job.

Nils Nelson

Dear Dr. Melvin
Thank you so much for the clubs. Whereas we have not incorporated them into a regular program as of yet, they are being used. I think that over a period of time they will be utilized much more and I am confident of the benefits.

The clubs create some possibilities. I am really looking forward to putting a specific usage program into effect. A couple of the players on the team have used them and have seen some very possitive results.

On behalf of myself and my team, I would like to express our deepest grattitude for your generosity and involvement in Tech athletics and more specifically the Women's Golf Team.

 I look forward to promoting the clubs as a PGA Professional and as a coach. I hope it will create a relationship that is positive and beneficial for us both.

Thank you very much.
Best Wishes,
Jeff Mitchell
Head Womens Golf Coach
Texas Tech University
Lubbock, TX

Worst Golfer in Town Breaks 80

I love golf.

I love everything about the game. I’ve been actively playing for over 25 years, even though it has been painful. I’m one of those guys who hits one good shot in a round and that’s all I need to bring me back next week to try again.  I’m a big guy, 6’8” and 250 pounds. When guys meet me for the first time, they often say, “I’ll bet you can hit the ball a mile.” They are wrong.  Being so big, and an old football player, there has always been something in the back of my brain that said, “If you hit that little ball really hard, it will go a long way”. I was wrong.

A few months ago I saw, on a PGA tip page, something called a “Whippy Club”. I wondered, “What is that?” When I searched, I found:  Over the years I’ve spent a lot of money, taking lessons and trying every gadget and instruction that caught my attention. Nothing seemed to really work. But when I saw Dr. Melvin’s Whippy Club videos, something told me that this guy was real.  So I spent another $100. I watched Dr. Melvin’s videos, and I followed his instructions. Sure, people at the driving range gave me strange looks as I lined up tees and hit balls again and again not very far with a strange looking club. But I’ve been looking goofy at the driving range for many years.

I worked at the drills. I didn’t give up. Then one day, doing Dr. Melvin’s “Right Hand Release” drill, the balls started flying longer and straighter. I realized after all these years that instead of powering my swing with my hands, but using shoulder turn and weight transfer along with an emphasis on the left arm, I could really hit the ball.

Last weekend, at the age of 64, I played with my 16 year old son, who plays on a high school varsity golf team. He’s pretty good, hitting his drives around 300 yards. For the first time since my son was eleven, I won. On a par 71 public course in Tulsa, he shot an 80 and I shot a 79. We played our balls down. We gave no gimmies or Mulligans. Having only broken 90 about 5 times in 25 years,  I broke 80, and I can do it again.   My wife told me about a conversation she had with my son the other day. He said, “I don’t understand it, Mom. All of a sudden Dad’s golf swing has completely changed. It’s amazing. He hits the sweetest shots again and again, with no effort. I’ve never seen him so happy. It’s great.”  My son is right.   I see that he's secretly grabbed Dr. Melvin's DVD.

Thanks to Dr. Melvin, Tom Melvin, and The TempoMaster Whippy Club,  I’m finally a real golfer.

Life is good.

Tom Swan

Tulsa, OK